An expert for everything?
>> 24.12.08
What is an expert? Can you give a concrete definition? You might say that an expert is someone with lots of experience and one who has lots of data or knowledge. My question is, up to what extent is the data or experience needed before one can be considered as an expert?
I know, most of us tend to refer to someone we consider as an expert when we are confronted with problems we are not familiar with. But again as I said before, who is an expert?
Everyone of us is unique. So is our experience in life. This makes the experiences of a so called expert is quite dubious. Is his or her experiences relevant to our situation? But the problem is, most of the time when we apply the apparent lessons of one experience to another one, we tend to assume that the two experiences are identical. I don't agree with this idea.
Don't look to experts for all your answers. There are no answers, only opinions.
The same with internet skills. We heard so many things... affiliate programmes, reviewing products, advertising, search engine optimization etc. I myself have read most of these, but not in details. So who do I need to refer to for more elaborations? The experts? In my case, I have to explore most of these myself. Self study. My advice is, we need to put extra hard work. We need to spend hours reading articles, experimenting, applying all the information into practical use, and without having this expert guiding us what to do.
The only really educated men are self-educated. -J. Bennet.
Artikel kali ini dalam English. Bukan apa, tapi saya mengharapkan traffic yang lebih meluas. Mahu tak mahu kena juga tulis artikel dalam English, walaupun saya tak mahir. Buat apa nak malu, bukan bahasa ibunda kita betul tak? Point saya ialah, kita kena juga tulis dalam Bahasa Inggeris supaya blog yang kita hendak guna sebagai mesin duit itu mendapat pelawat yang lebih global. Mesti...
Misalnya, jika kita memohon untuk mengikuti affiliate program Adsense, antara syarat untuk permohonan kita diluluskan ialah sebahagian besar kandungan blog ditulis dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Jadi seperti saya katakan sebelum ini, semua yang saya pelajari akan saya cuba implementasikan dalam blog duit-maya ini.
Jangan cepat mengalah. Cuba saja.
Sebagai rumusan, pelajaran kali ini ialah kita kena banyak buat kajian sendiri juga selain bertanya kepada pakar, dan kena tahu Bahasa Inggeris sehingga kita mampu menulis artikel dalam bahasa itu. Terpaksa ! Baiklah, cukup dulu kali ini. Jumpa lagi.
ok buli suda sori lambat.. entah la napa sejak 2-3 hari aku rasa penaaaaat saja la, macam mo kena baring2 saja ni... hihihi...
orait solved ur probs i'm gonna go lie down again... XP
p/s sorry bout d christmas stuff i couldnt make it on time so i tot i make u new year greets instead.. u wan for the mobile or web? formal or anime style? nanti aku lukis katun ko tensen pula...
wateva. try for mobile. relax ba ko? paham jg. thanks arrr...
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